
Vancho Kusakatov Ph.D.

  • Professor in retirement
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Prof. Vancho Kusakatov is born in Stip 1947. He finished primary and secondary school in Stip and Skopje. In the school year 1966/1967 he entered at the Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Machinery in Skopje, and graduated in 1972. After graduation he started working as a probationer at the Institute for Mathematics whit Numerical Centre in Skopje, and in October 1973 was elected as expert assistant. At this period he attended specialized studies in numerical mathematics, which he has finished in 1975. In 1982 as an assistant at the Faculty for Mathematics has mastered by defending his master thesis “Nonequidistant difference shemes for solving parcial differential equations”. In 1985 he resided at the “Lomonosov State University” of Moscow, for 6 months specialization in area of numerical mathematics, and in 1989 resided at the “Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institut” in Ljubljana, where he worked on the problems in area of mathematical modeling and optimization of the electroenergetic systems, with represents as main scientific interest. In 1993, at the Electrotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana he presented his doctoral dissertation “Optimal Sheduling of Hydro-Termal Power Systems”. In October 1993 he was elected as a assistant professor at the Faculty for Natural Sciences and Mathematics in area of numerical mathematics and informatics. As associate professor was elected in 1998, and as full professor in 2003. As assistant, and  later on, as a professor, Vancho Kusakatov has performed lectures on different subjects in the area of mathematics and informatics (Numerical calculations with programing, Numerical methods, Numerical analisys, Data structures, Computer graphics, Personal computers, Mathematics 1 and 2, Functions of many variables, Introduction to informatics and others). Also he has performed lectures regarding the subject Methods for optimization with realizations within the postgraduate studies of informatics. Prof. Vancho Kusakatov edited more proffesional and scientific proceedings in the country and outside. He was involved at many researching projects, and has managed the project “Mathematical Modeling and Optimizations”. Author of one univerzity textbook, textbook of informatics for primary school, scripts, guide-books and other. He was chief of the Institut of Informatics in the period 1997-1998, main and responsible editor of the magazine BIT+, member of the Computer Society of Macedonia, as well as a member of many commissions at the Ministry for Science and Education of Republic of Macedonia. From September 2011, prof. Vancho Kusakatov is employee of the new Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of “Ss Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje.


Vancho Kusakatov Ph.D.

  • Professor in retirement
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Book titlePublisher
Информатика, учебник за VIII одделениеГоцмар